Information for Applicants

Key information for applicants relating to an application and its processes can be found in this section.
Please note that this page is currently under development and more information will be available in due course. If you have any questions in the meantime, please contact the RGS team at or view our full contact details on our Contact Us page.
Request Not to Assess
Some projects have a Request Not to Assess process where individuals applying for funding can nominate people whom they do not wish to assess an application by completing and submitting a Request Not to Assess form through their Research Office in the relevant funding entities’ Research Management System (RMS).
Rejoinders allow applicants to respond to assessment comments made by external assessors. The assessment comments provided by external assessors are made available to applicants prior to the final assessments conducted by the Selection Advisory Committee. This also provides an important feedback mechanism that can help researchers when drafting future applications.
Request for a Review of an Assessment
During the Rejoinder period, the participants and Research Office staff may identify an assessment that contains inappropriate elements and may wish to have this reviewed by RGS, on behalf of the funding entity.
The Grant Guidelines for Funding Entities’ programs may make provision for an appeals process to ensure that the applicant is being treated fairly and consistently in the context of the selection procedures.