Reporting Requirements for NISDRG and NIDG

In order to ensure that the National Intelligence and Security Discovery Research Grants (NISDRG) and National Intelligence Discovery Grants (NIDG) achieves the objectives and intended outcomes of the programs, all awarded grants are required to provide periodic progress updates against set Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). KPIs must be set for each grant against the standard when the grant commences.
Progress Reports will be submitted twice yearly to advise the progress of the grant against the performance goals set in the KPI Report to reflect the highest possible level of achievement for a grant. It is important to note that KPIs and progress reporting are one measure of progress and will be reviewed in context with other reports, outreach and engagement activities.
All grant management activities, including the submission of variations and grant reporting, must be completed within the Research Management System (RMS) portal associated with the challenges under which the grant was awarded.
Upon submission of a Progress Report by an Administering Organisation, the RGS team will review the submitted report against the targets in the KPI Report. The progress of the grant should reflect the aims, activities and anticipated outcomes as outlined in the original application.
Progress Reports will also be made available to the Office of National Intelligence (ONI) (all grant rounds) and Defence – National Security Science and Technology Centre (Defence-NSSTC) staff (NISDRG Rounds 1-2).
Final Report reporting requirements will be updated in due course.
The following instructions are available through the Resource Hub: