View Grant Outcomes in RMS
For Research Office Staff
The announcement functionality in the Research Management System (RMS) has been designed to allow Defence and the Office of National Intelligence (ONI) to release the outcomes to Research Office Staff, before announcing to applicants. When Defence or ONI has released the outcomes to Research Offices, Research Office Staff can view the outcomes of the grant round with the following steps. The examples on this page are also relevant for Research Office Staff using the RMS instances for Defence and/or ONI.
- Click on the Research Office Applications Link from the RMS Action Centre.

- Select the relevant scheme round from the drop down list.

- Select the status of the applications from the Status drop down menu.

- By selecting funded, then click on the announcement Status column to sort and view applications that have been approved to be funded that are currently Under Embargo or Announced.

- Click on the Details button to access the outcome details for an application including: successful funding information, unsuccessful feedback and/or ineligibility information.

- The Details tab shows the outcome of the application at the bottom of the page.

- For applications that are funded, a Funding tab will be available at the top of the page. Click on the tab to view the funding awarded to the project.

- For applications that are not funded, a Feedback tab will be available at the top of the page. Click on the tab to view the feedback for the application.

- For applications that are ineligible, a reason is provided next to the outcome of the application in the Details tab.

Research Office Staff can also access outcome related data via a RESTful web service with a JSON payload
Outcome related data is available to Research Office Staff via a RESTful web service with a JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) payload. The outcome related data is for Successful, Unsuccessful and Ineligible applications for a scheme round for your Administering Organisation.
- Select Research Office Report API Config from the Report drop down menu to find instructions on how to extract this data.

For Applicants
When a scheme round has been announced, Applicants can view the outcomes of the scheme round by following these steps:
- Click on Applications under the Applicant Applications section of the RMS Action Centre.

- Follow steps 2. through to 9. from the instructions in the above section to view the outcomes, funding and/or feedback for an application.
For Public View
Upon announcement of outcomes, a link will be provided on the RGS website for the public to view outcome related information in a series of graphs, as shown in the example below.