
RGS leverages the grants administration processes developed under the umbrella of the ARC’s National Competitive Grants Program (NCGP) which supports the highest-quality fundamental and applied research and research training through national competitive processes.
We manage research grants across all research disciplines and we are experts in delivering research grants that are competitively awarded to individuals, research teams and large-scale centres. We have developed highly mature and effective processes to assess research grants, manage conflicts of interest and provide funding recommendations tailored to client agencies.
Through NCGP, we deliver, on average, around $800 million per year to the most dynamic researchers in Australia.
The Australian National Audit Office’s (ANAO) assessment of the effectiveness of the ARC’s administration of the NCGP found that the ARC has mature and effective processes in place to assess grants, manage conflicts of interest and provide funding recommendations that comply with the NCGP guidelines.
In using RGS you can leverage:
- the mature and effective grants administration processes of the ARC
- the ARC policies and other codes and guidelines that ensure research is conducted according to appropriate ethical, legal and professional frameworks, obligations and standards, as well as the development and support of a research environment that is underpinned by a culture of integrity.
- processes that are designed to meet your outcomes and objectives, whilst complying with relevant laws and expectations around use of Commonwealth funding.