Resource Hub
RMS Requesting and maintaining an RMS User Account
PDF Word Document
The Research Management System (RMS) is a web-based application developed by the ARC and now used by multiple agencies to manage their Grant Programs. Each agency can utilise functions such as: submissions, assignment and assessment, rejoinders, announcement, grant offers/acceptance, and post-award…
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User guides
This is an introductory user guide for submitting applications in RMS to assist applicants with navigating and submission of an application in RMS.Submitting an Application in RMSThe target audience for this user guide are users who will be submitting an application using the ARC's Research…
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User guides
NISDRG/NIDG End of Year Reporting (EoYR) in RMS
PDF Word Document
The NISDRG program requires that an End-of-Year Report (EoYR) be submitted for all active grants.
The purpose of the EoYR is to: collect information regarding the financial activity relating to NISDRG funding received during the previous financial year and reconcile it against the Funding Entity’s…
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Research Office Researcher
User guides
Reporting RMS
Reporting RMS
National Intelligence and Security Discovery Research Grants (NISDRG) / National Intelligence Discovery Grants (NIDG)
Participant Eligibility Confirmation Form - NISDRG
Word Document
Use the template to provide information regarding the passport/visa information for all Chief Investigators and Partner Investigators to be listed on an NISDRG funded project.
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Research Office Researcher
Variation Post-award
National Intelligence and Security Discovery Research Grants (NISDRG) / National Intelligence Discovery Grants (NIDG)
The ARC has endorsed Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) functionality when accessing ARC Systems including RMS and SEER. MFA will also apply to other entities instances of RMS, including DESE, Defence and ONI. MFA adds another layer of protection to the RMS and SEER sign-in process. Users will be…
Assessor Policy Partner Prospective policy partner Research Office Researcher
User guides
This document provides a guide for administrative matters relating to Australian Research Council (ARC) committee membership. In all cases, the contract of appointment to committee membership takes precedence. Clarification should be sought from the ARC should any uncertainties arise in relation to…
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National Intelligence and Security Discovery Research Grants (NISDRG) / National Intelligence Discovery Grants (NIDG)
Instructions on submitting a Request Not to Assess in RMS
PDF Word Document
Research Office Researcher
User guides
Requests Not to Assess (RNTA) Submission
NISDRG/NIDG Progress Reporting User Guide
PDF Word Document
Progress Reports are submitted twice yearly to advise the progress of the grant against the performance goals set in the KPI Report to reflect the highest possible level of achievement for a grant.
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Research Office Researcher
User guides
Reporting Post-award
National Intelligence and Security Discovery Research Grants (NISDRG) / National Intelligence Discovery Grants (NIDG)
The Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research, 2018 (the 2018 Code) establishes a framework for responsible research conduct that provides a foundation for high-quality research, credibility and community trust in the research endeavour.
Click here to view the…
The Guidelines to counter foreign interference in the Australian university sector (the Guidelines) were developed collaboratively between the Australian Government and the university sector to further uplift the foundational elements essential for building awareness and resilience to foreign…
National Redress Scheme
The National Redress Scheme has been created in response to recommendations by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse listened to thousands of people about the abuse they experienced as…
Defence - Technology Readiness Level (TRL) Definition
Hyperlink PDF
The use of TRLs enables consistent, uniform discussions of technical maturity across different types of technology. TRLs are based on a scale from 1 to 9 with 9 being the most mature technology.
Click here to view the Defence Technology Readiness Level (TRL) Definitions and Descriptions on the Defence website
Assessor Research Office Researcher
Guidelines Information Policy/Statement
Grant Opportunity
Assessment Expressions of Interest (EOI) Submission Grant Opportunity
National Intelligence and Security Discovery Research Grants (NISDRG) / National Intelligence Discovery Grants (NIDG)